We go out to dinner. You know full well that I am wearing nude nylon stockings. All through the evening this is all you can think about. You are dispelled. You are powerless. Why did you think I wore these? Its pretty visible isnt it? I want you feeble. I want you dissipated. We get back to my place, where I make you demonstrate me how feeble you indeed are. I directive you to get down on your knees and idolize my divine long legs, clad in those alluring nude nylon stockings. I slip my feet out of those sexy heels, revealing my nylon encased feet. I let you feel inside the shoes, to feel how warm they are. You begin to throb. I can see your desire for my stockings, so I allow you to stroke worship for 1 minute only. Yet with all my treats, comes a price. Like so many others, you are just a weak pathetic simpleton of a man eager to please me 247. You relish in your degradation. Watch to find out what commands I give you whilst you are in such a pathetic, weak, quivering state. CONTAINS ELEMENTS OF: FEMDOM, NYLONS, PANTYHOSESTOCKINGS, FINDOM, FINANCIAL DOMINATION, FOOT WORSHIP, HEEL WORSHIP, FOOT FETISH, LEG WORSHIP.
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