Foot Throttle And Kicking Intimidation By Megan – Next Time Pay Back On Time Bitch

The main characters in this movie are Megan and a slammed little fucktoy cow playing a company director :. The cow owes some money to Megan and she is indeed mad and wants her money back! The company director is sitting in her chair doing some business while Megan knocks at the door and storms in all mad and furious. Where are my fucking money?! she says and she requests back whats hers. The director is truly astonished but Megan resumes - she starts to menace the director, showing her pictures on her phone of what happened the directors friend the Teddy Bear when he owed Megan some money. Do you want the same to happen to you, hmm?! No? Then pay back! Now!.But the director doesnt have the money on her right now so Megan does what she promised. She throws the director on bed and starts to brutally kick and stomp her little helpless face. Megan is really enjoying this. This is what she was born for! To humiliate, to dominate and to trample and kick. The director has one week to pay back. Unless she wants this to be just a start of much worse beating!