Honey’s Whore Part 1

Honey’s Whore Part 1
Its time to get you into your summer clothes sissy. Your girlie summer clothes of course. Im putting a pretty little wig on you and taking you out to the mall to shop for a nice little summer clothing. Im sure everyone will laugh at you as you wiggle around from store to store looking for those ideal high-heeled shoes and that matching underwear set. Itll be totally abasing for you giggle but dont think thats the worst predicament bondage I could put you Ive got lots of ways Id like to shame you and Im going to tell you exactly how and where Ill do it to you. Feminising bitches like you is just so much joy. Listening to you scream as I wax your legs, watching your face burn red when I watch you sit down to and seeing the humiliation all over your face as I send you out on an errand dressed like my pathetic living doll is all so entertaining for me. I cant wait to get started on you!