Sneaker-girl Mila Barefoot On Noodles

On a wooden board different kinds of noodles had been outspread - a bunch of skinny spaghettis, a large pile of brief macaronis and an open plastic bag containing other noodles. All are raw and uncooked. Mila starts to leisurely walkover these three presents - barefoot. Love the sweet cracking and crumbling sounds from the macaronis. Witness her strong toes with light crimson nail polish breaking the thin ones - her heels and balls letting the thicker ones literally explode under her sweet weight. Under Milas extremely slow full-weight treads all the noodle-stuff is broken into smaller pieces and mixed up together. Mila also shows a small moon-walk on those noodle splints. WOW! Finally all this fine-grinded noodle-matter is ready for cooking. Yummy!