Life is too complicated for you! You make it so you foolish sausage. Always attempting so hard to find that manliness that we both know you never had. Pretending with all your might to be a real big boy like all the others when you turn to mush as soon as I look at you. So foolish when a beta masculine attempts his hardest to be alpha. Just abandon it! Ill make it effortless for you. See Im looking for sissy husbands for my stables. I have tonnes of spaces available. And dresses! See I even have one that will fit you like a glove! Like you were made for it! No pressure no false expectation. I know what you are - true beta sissy hoe! The only way youll be glad is when you are tarted up without any of those pesky life responsibilities. Let the grown ups look after you. You obviously arent doing very much good with MY MONEY so lets take back that unnecessary inconvenience and leave you at home like the good little sissy boi that you are. Ok? Now come and look at this veil with me! Wouldnt you love to wear matching dresses and veils at our fetish wedding?
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